Renault Group announced four projects selected at the end of a so-called hackathon organised to accelerate the decarbonisation of its industrial sites.

The selected projects were:

Kairos: Development of a digital platform to optimise the start up cycles and shutdown periods of the Douai paint baking oven. This would generate an estimated electricity saving of EUR230,000 year and could be extended to other factories.

CO2 Advisor: Development of a tool for real time measurement of production CO2 emissions. The app would allow operators to see the consumption of their workshops.

Adjust Air: Development of software to optimise ventilation and air filtration systems at factory sites. The tool would measure energy consumption by air extraction.

Sieren: Implementation of a power consumption modeling and monitoring dashboard for factories with integration of weather parameters and energy consumption in the programming of factories.

One hundred people from education, energy, industry and digital fields met at Renault’s so called Refactory site in Flins, France to present ideas. Supported by people from Google Cloud and the group, and accompanied by Startup Inside, a specialist in open innovation, artificial intelligence and ‘intrapreneurship’, 13 project teams worked on five themes: reducing the energy consumption of the group’s industrial facilities, improving the thermal performance of buildings, increasing the production of low carbon heat, accelerating the digital transformation to increase energy performance.

Teams presented their projects before answering questions from the jury.

Group industry head Jose Vicente de los Mozos said: “By 2030… we are aiming for carbon neutrality of our factories in Europe and the reduction by half of CO2 emissions from our sites worldwide.”