Nissan has reached an agreement with union officials at its plant in Barcelona to slash 1,400 jobs rather than the 1,680 originally planned due to slumping global demand, Spanish media reported.
Nissan has also agreed in its talks with unions to maintain at least 2,800 jobs at the plant. The reports suggested the deal was sweetened with a Nissan offer to bring a new light commercial vehicle to the plant from 2012.
Nissan has forecast a net loss of JPY265bn (US$2.8bn) for the financial year to March compared to the JPY482bn profit a year earlier and earlier this month announced 20,000 job cuts, blaming the global economic crisis.
The Spanish government has introduced a EUR4bn aid package aimed at helping the country’s ailing auto sector which it says is the second-largest such plan in Europe in terms of total funding.
Auto production in Spain plunged 53% year on year in January to 123,762 units, its biggest-ever monthly drop, the Spanish automakers’ association ANFAC said on Wednesday.