ThyssenKrupp’s personnel committee has recommended the supervisory board start negotiations to end the board mandate of Guido Kerkhoff shortly.
“After the ending of Guido Kerkhoff’s board mandate, Martina Merz shall be delegated as chairwoman into the executive board on an interim basis – for a duration of not more than 12 months,” said a Thyssenkrupp statement.
“Additionally, the personnel committee recommends to the supervisory board to appoint Klaus Keysberg effective 1 October, 2019 as an additional member of the executive board of Thyssenkrupp responsible for the Business Areas Materials Services and Steel Europe.
“Further, the executive committee of the supervisory board of Thyssenkrupp recommends to the board to elect Siegfried Russwurm as chairman of the supervisory board as interim successor of Martina Merz – also for a duration of not more than 12 months – upon her delegation as chairwoman to the executive board.”
The supervisory board will review and decide on the recommendations of the executive committee and the personnel committee in an extraordinary meeting shortly.